
The ASSIST project brings together a consortium of three Higher Education Institutions from Italy and Greece and seven organisations from across the EU, Greece, Belgium, Italy, and Ireland, focusing on the rights of mothers, persons with disabilities, education, and digital innovation. The following results are being implemented:​

  • ​4 national state-of-the-art reports shedding light on the healthcare-related discrimination against women and mothers with disabilities in the partner countries and highlighting best practices in overcoming discrimination and biases.​
  • ​A transnational report summarising the issues faced by mothers with disabilities regarding their access to healthcare services on a European level. The transnational report includes policy recommendations and proposess concrete policies for making healthcare equally accessible and inclusive to mothers with disabilities. The report is available in all partners’ languages. ​
  • ​A Digital Ecosystem comprising of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), microcredential courses, and a 3D Simulation of Inclusive Clinical Environment. ​
  • ​At least 3 capacity building workshops offered by the project’s HEIs targeting university staff.​
  • ​At least 4 national info-days representing all partner countries. ​